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The concept of link and match between vocational institutions and industry should not only be completed at the signing stage of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or just fanfare in the mass media. The MoU must be sustainable, so that synergy can actually occur and benefit all parties. This was conveyed by Wikan Sakarinto, Ph.D., Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) when he became Keynote Speakers in the International Joint Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Vocational Education which was held online by the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University - FT UNY (05/10/2020) with the theme Technology Enhancement To Support Vocational Competence and Freedom To Learn.
This seminar is a combination of 4 international seminars, namely the 6th International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics and Vocational Education, 3rd International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical, Automotive, and Technology and 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure.
Wikan added that the depth of the link and match will be indicated by a number of indicators. "First, the curriculum must be in accordance with the real conditions of the world of work and be supported by several reputable industries, and answer the needs of skills and competencies in the future," he said.
"For example, the apprenticeship program or industrial work practice is at least one semester or more, which is very well managed and conceptualized," he said.
"Then the number of guest lecturers, practitioners, or experts from the industry who teach at SMK and vocational campuses must be higher and more intensive. Vocational school teachers, vocational lecturers at polytechnics, universities, institutes, colleges, academies and community academies must have competency certification recognized by industry and the world of work, "he explained.
"In fact, I have a dream that later the industry will be given the largest portion to assess the accreditation of a vocational study program or school," he concluded.
This seminar was opened by the Acting Rector of YSU, Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A which begins with a report by the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. Two guest speakers were presented at this event, namely from Nihon University Japan, Prof. Atsushi Fukuda who delivered about Infrastructure Development and Engineering Education in Japan and Prof. Ts. Dr. Salwani Mohd Daud from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia who represented Blockchain Technology in the Digital Transformation Era- Where are We Now ?.
In the International Joint Conference, Automotive Engine Study Program students participated as writers. Among them are Muhammad Saifannur Falah and Pajidu Kause with the title "Study Case Ratio Gear of Stepper Motor on Electronic Throttle Using PID Control", Dr. Zainal Arifin, M.T., Begawan Pandu Perdana Wijaya and Sultantyo Djatinegoro with the title "Interpolation Method on 8x8 Pixel Thermal Camera for Temperature Instruments of Combustion Engine" Dr. Agus Puji Prasetyono, M.Eng, Haryun Yudistira and Achmad Irfak Ghoniya with the title "Simple Simulation of Electronics Engine Management for Motorcycle", Dr. Sutiman, M.T., Agit Sakti Nur Kholis with the title "Multiple sensing method using moving average filter for automotive ultrasonic sensor", Dr. Agus Puji Prasetyono, M.Eng, Riyan Ikhsan Nugroho with the title "Multi-channel Method of Non-isolated DC Voltmeter for EFI Instrument Measure," Ir. Moch. Solikin, M.Kes ..
Source: Host-international-joint-conference-engineering-tehcnology-and-vocational-education
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