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Joko Sriyanto collaborated with a research team from the University of Malaya
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The attitude and willingness of teachers to accept students with disabilities is important to ensure the success of education for students with special needs. The attitude and willingness of teachers, together with teaching knowledge and skills, are believed to be very influential in the learning process. students with special needs.
Information is needed that can provide a clear picture of the attitude and willingness of the teacher to accept students with special needs so that they can become material in improving the quality of learning for students with special needs. At present, in Indonesia, even Vocational High Schools are required to accept students with special needs so that teachers have a higher challenge. This prompted Joko Sriyanto, a lecturer in D3 Automotive Engineering FT UNY, to collaborate with a research team from the University of Malaya chaired by Dr. Siaw Yun Li to carry out studies in two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia.
This research was conducted in 2020 and used sharing funds from each university. The research in Malaysia will be carried out in several randomly selected schools in five regions, northern, western, central, eastern and southern Malaysia. Meanwhile, the research sites in Indonesia are several vocational high schools in Yogyakarta Special Region. The output plan that will be produced from this research is the publication of articles in international journals and articles in proceedings at international seminars. The research collaboration between the two universities from the two countries is a tangible form of collaboration in academic activities between the two universities that has been carried out for several years. (Sekjur)
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